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Bremer River to get a health check

For sometime, there have been issues with the water quality of the Bremer River due to flooding, erosion and low water levels in the catchment which therefore prevent impurities from nearby pollutants being flushed out. The clearing of bushland and loss of trees is also a concern to locals.

Ipswich City Council and the community play an important role in the management of waterways through erosion, litter and sediment control, tree planting, river bank rehabilitation and water quality monitoring. The Brisbane River catchment is the largest river system in SEQ, with the Bremer River the most significant river system in Ipswich and a tributary to the Brisbane River.

The Bremer River catchment covers about 2,030km2 and has a diverse range of land uses including agriculture, mining, industry, commerce, natural areas and urban development.
It also makes up most of the Ipswich local government area and therefore the Ipswich City Council and our community must play a vital role in its protection.

Ipswich City Council is committed to cleaning up the Bremer River and will deliver a report on the health of the river and catchments, before it creates a plan to improve this valuable resource.

I fully support Council’s actions in improving our local environment and helping Ipswich become one of the most liveable cities in South East Queensland.

Read more at Ipswich First…



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