To ensure that elected representation in local government for Ipswich City Council is honourable and ethical – proudly achieved with the highest level of honesty, integrity and transparency. This will help to ensure that we move forward as a united community, reinstating Ipswich City Council as a local government that has earned the right to community and ratepayers respect.
I will strive to work together with all other elected Councillors and Council’s Executive to identify the major infrastructure needs of the greater Ipswich City Council area, then to assign a respective order of priority on a needs basis. This will ensure the most urgent needs of the community can be supplied. Certainly, there is work to do, and it must be done well and honestly without the distractions and costs of the past years. Ipswich must continue to innovate and grow to its full potential. This will, of course require diligent effort in working collaboratively with the other levels of government and their agencies.
I will actively work to help improve our community’s safety by promoting the development of community groups such as Neighbourhood Watch organisations, sporting and social groups for our youth, and fostering engagement with all sectors of our community.
I will investigate and plan to improve our wider community’s public transport services. Although there is a network already in place, this can be expanded, especially with regard to areas of recent housing development. This also needs to be included much more in the planning for our future Greenfield estates, ensuring all residents have affordable public transport access.
I will ensure that the maintenance and upgrade programs for council controlled roads is well planned, adhered to and that our road networks are truly fit for purpose. This is a must in rural communities as well as urban areas. I will actively engage with the other levels of government to secure funding for major arterials, such as ensuring the promised funding for the Yamanto to Amberley upgrade of the Cunningham Highway is completed sooner rather than later.
I will work to improve our waste management and recycling operations. The situation where our elected representatives are caught out not knowing what is going on must not happen again. I will work to improve our systems and reduce cost of services wherever possible. This is an essential service and must be provided in the best way possible.
Our elected leaders should be setting an example for the rest of the community. As a servant to the people, a Mayor and Councillors must always be honest and do what is right for the community as a whole. I pledge to always act with honour, as your future Division 4 Councillor of Ipswich City.
Council must deliver results for the City of Ipswich, with cost effective outcomes. I want to work in a council that has a 'can-do' attitude. I will represent ratepayers and residents and do what I can to meet their expectations.
The Code of Conduct for councillors must always be followed. As your Councillor, I will champion accountability from my colleagues and Council staff, and make Ipswich City Council a great example for the rest of the Queensland.
I will be mindful of the needs and expectations of the community, in putting your needs first. All projects undertaken by council must be in the best interest of the immediate community. I will encourage the Council to portray empathy to Ipswich residents and to always work with the local community.