As individuals, we create our lives in stages as we grow and discover who we are, what we are capable of doing and what we want from life. The influences we have around us also aid in our development as people.
My life has been an interesting experience so far and one with many influences that continue to make me the person I am, with discipline, integrity, a proud reputation and someone with a range of experiences in life that have prepared me to become a representative of residents and ratepayers in Local Government.
I am a 55 year old Queenslander, born at Laidley in 1969. I was raised on my family’s grazing property at Laidley Creek West near Mulgowie, providing me with a cherished farming background.
I enjoyed my teenage years at Laidley State High School, where in my Senior year I was elected School Captain. That position impressed upon me at an early age, an experience with responsibility and leadership. I needed to set a positive example for my fellow students.
I did well academically, in sport, public speaking and as a representative of my school. I proceeded on to study Science (Physics and Computer Science) at tertiary level. Like so many of us, I look back fondly at what are always thought of as being ‘the best years of my life’ as a teenager making the transition to adulthood.
Even at that stage of my development, Local Government matters were a constant subject of discussion in our home, with my father Bob Milligan being an elected member of Laidley Shire Council for almost 20 years. When I married, my then wife Tanya also entered Local Government and has been re-elected consecutively for over 24 years. She has served the local community as Deputy Mayor of Laidley Shire Council and is currently Mayor of Lockyer Valley Regional Council. So, perhaps it won’t surprise anyone that I might find an attraction to making my own contribution to public life in the same manner.
I am a local. I built my first home in Rosewood in 1992, cementing my personal history in the greater Ipswich region.
My personal development and discipline has been strongly influenced by a military career. My father saw active war service in World War 2 in the Asian theatre, followed by Korea, Malaya and Vietnam. It then followed that I would make my own contribution to our country. I initially served as an Infantry Rifleman, then progressed to becoming a Commissioned Officer, serving as a Military Police Platoon Commander. Continuing the family tradition, my son has served as an Infantry Rifleman at Gallipoli Barracks, Enoggera and is currently posted to Townsville in the Corps of Signals This tradition of military service stems back to having a World War 1 Victoria Cross recipient in the Family.
My previous community involvement includes SES, Rural Fire Brigade, RSL sub-branch, Freemasonry and community fundraising.
I live in Division 4, in Brassall, and I have never been a member of a political party. This allows me to be 100% focussed on our community. I have a track record of working with everyone in Council and in our community.
Before being elected to Ipswich City Council in 2020, I was a self-employed telecommunications technician conducting a small business, employing up to 6 sub-contractors. As a small business operator I am very conscious of the need to run an efficient business, avoiding any unnecessary wastage of money and to conduct business within operational budgets. I have brought these important ethos to the Ipswich City Council Chambers; Council must be efficient and not waste ratepayers’ funds.
I am committed to serving the people of Ipswich on your Council and am asking for your vote to allow me the honour of serving as your representative. You are assured of my integrity and dedication.
As a representative of residents and ratepayers in Division 4, I pledge to always act responsibly on your behalf.
Our elected leaders should be setting an example for the rest of the community. As a servant to the people, a Mayor and Councillors must always be honest and do what is right for the community as a whole. I pledge to always have integrity, as your future Division 4 Councillor of Ipswich City.
Council must deliver results for the City of Ipswich, with cost effective outcomes. I want to work in a council that has a 'can-do' attitude. I will represent ratepayers and residents and do what I can to meet their expectations.
The Code of Conduct for councillors must always be followed. As your Councillor, I will champion accountability from my colleagues and Council staff, and make Ipswich City Council a great example for the rest of the Queensland.
I will be mindful of the needs and expectations of the community, in putting your needs first. All projects undertaken by council must be in the best interest of the immediate community. I will encourage the Council to portray empathy to Ipswich residents and to always work with the local community.